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Janes Addiction - Three days  DVD
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"Three Days" is a feature film exploring the on-and-off-tour lives of Jane's Addiction. Set predominately on thier 1997 "Relapse Tour", this docu-drama weaves audiences throughout the band's legacy in a colorful, fast-paced orgy of gritty backstage drama and rare musicial performances. Cinque Lee (Mystery Train, Nowhere Fast) plays a bumbling videographer assigned to document the band's reunion and he gets in over his head when he is told that he must "plant a seed" while on tour. Surprise cameo snippets lend testament to the frantic world that he is adopted into. Mix in the real-life drama that unfolds then a band reunited for the first time in six years, travels on the road, and is scruntinized every step of the way by pop-media and fans, and what results is a paganistic, circus-style romp of sexuality, love, and mind-altering entertainment.

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