Harding, John Wesley - Man With No Shadow 2LP

Auf Lager
innerhalb 7 Tagen lieferbar

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1 Stück = 21,45 €

1 Stück = 21,45 €

A1 Nothing At All 

A2 Negative Love 

A3 Monkey And His Cat 

A4 Sleeper, Awake 

B1 Hard 

B2 Pull 

B3 Sussex Ghost Story 

B4 It Stays 

C1 When You Smile 

C2 Sluts 

C3 She Never Talks 

C4 Already Dead 

C5 Protest Protest Protest 

D1 Slippery Slide To Bliss 

D2 Negative Love (demo) 

D3 Monkey And His Cat (demo) 

D4 Sluts (demo) 

D5 Sleeper, Awake (demo)

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: LP, RECORDSTOREDAY 2020